Bridge Parish Council

The Parish Council meets on the second Thursday of each month (except August) at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall, High Street, Bridge

The meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to listen to the proceedings, though they are not entitled to participate in the business of the meeting, without the invitation of the Chairman.

The Chairman will invariably ask any members of the public who are present if they wish to address the Council before the meeting starts.

The Parish Council has nine members elected every four years. In the event of a vacancy occurring a new member is elected or co-opted until the next full election.

The Minutes of the last meeting and Agenda for the next meeting are displayed on the Parish Council Notice board located on the Canterbury side of The White Horse Inn. They can also be obtained from the Clerk to the Council.

Click here for Annual Return
Select 'Other Publications'
(select ↑ on the next page to reverse the displayed order)

You should contact the Parish Council - via the Parish Clerk :

Jennifer Heap
12, Bridge Down, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5AX
telephone: 07733 759195
[email protected]


Office hours: