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A to Z of BridgeMenu
A to Z of Bridge.
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AED - Automated External Defibrillator
There is an Automated External Defibrillator attached to the wall of Londis, next to the ATM.

In an emergency DIAL 999 first

If you are interested in an allotment, please contact the Allotment Association Committee: Dave Howe on 07711 551277 or e-mail [email protected]
Beaver Scouts
For children aged 6 to 8. Meet term-time Wednesdays at Barham Village Hall, 5.30pm to 6.30pm. More
Collections are every Thursday, with alternate weeks for recycling and garden or landfill. Contact: Canenco on 0800 031 9091
Bridge is served by 2 buses - 16 and 17, operated by Stagecoach. All Northbound buses go to Canterbury and Soundbound buses to Folkestone.
For full timetables, visit their web site (we can't provide a link as Stagecoach requested we remove all links to their site)
Cash Machines (ATMs)
One outside Londis, 24 hours a day (makes a small charge)
One at the Post Office counter during opening hours (no charge)
The Chess Club meets every Monday evening from 7pm to 11pm at the Red Lion
St Peter's is our village church, in the High Street. Click here for the benefice website, including times of services.
To contact one of your parish councillors, please click here
County Lengthsman
If you see anything wrong with the roads, the County Lengthsman needs to know.
Cub Scouts
For children aged 8 to 10½. Meet term-time Wednesdays at Barham Village Hall, 6.30pm to 7.30pm. More
Doctor (See Health Centre)
Please remember that dogs are not permitted to exercise on the recreation ground at any time.
Farmers Market
2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month in the Red Lion car park. More information
Fish Scheme
Need help getting to the doctors or hospital? Want to meet villagers for cup of coffee or borrow a book? The Fish Scheme is there to help. More information
Fish & Chips
The Fish & Chips van parks opposite the church every Thursday from 5.00pm to 7.00pm


Canterbury City Council have flooding advice: Cick here to read

There are sandbags stored at the three pubs. The Parish Clerk (Jennifer Heap) and councillors Alan Atkinson, Rob Moon and Paul Davies have keys.
Friends of Bridge Church (FOSP)
Contact: Alan Barber. Email: [email protected]
In accordance with current guidelines, please leave gates as you find them - unless you see someone open a gate and not close it (especially in fields with livestock).
Girl Guides
There is currently no Guide Unit
Health Centre
Bridge Health Centre, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL
Phone: 831900 Fax:832967
Email: [email protected] (Carol Bore is the Practice Manager)
Mobile Library
The mobile library is operated by Kent County Council and visits Green Court every other Thursday from 3.15pm to 4.00pm. To remember when it comes, it's on the same weeks as the recycling collection.
Neighbourhood Watch
The Neighbour Watch co-ordinator for Bridge South West is Graham Moore, 2 Great Pett Oast, 831001.
The Parish Council produces a newsletter three or four time a year. Every household in Bridge should receive one.
The latest was "Autumn 2013". If you haven't had one, please Click here. Alternatively, you can read them on-line by Clicking here
"On the Nail"

The Parish newletter, produced by the church, comes out once a month (double issues Jul/Aug and Dec/Jan). It covers the villages on the Nailbourne within the benefice - Bridge, Patrixbourne & Bekesbourne.

Items (including advertising) should be submitted by email, before the 15th of the preceding month.

More details...
Parish Magazine (See "On the Nail")
If a crime is in progress, or if anyone is injured or in danger, dial 999
For everything else, contact the local Police control room, dial 101
Please report anything you feel is suspicious - vandalism, graffiti, drugs, harming livestock etc. You can report anonymously, so don't remain silent for fear of reprisals.
Last collections in Bridge are: Mon-Fri 5.30pm, Sat 10.30am, Sun (box outside the Post Office only) 1.30pm.
Latest collections in the area are from Military Road, Canterbury: Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat 1pm, Sun & Bank Hols 2pm
Recycling collections are every other Thursday. The next one is
Sandbags (See Flooding)
For children aged 10½ to 14. Meet term-time Wednesdays at Barham Village Hall, 7.30pm to 9.00pm. More
Street Lights
Since April 1st 2005, the street lights are no longer the responsibility of the Parish Council, so if you notice a street light not working, please call KCC highways on 0845 8247800.
If you prefer, you can use KCC's new on-line fault reporting system
Village Hall
To book the village hall, please email [email protected] or call Mark Esdale on 832740.
Village Hall web site
Why don't you... something about...? If you have concerns/ideas/complaints about the village or any aspect, Please contact us